Body parts; This section contains several work sheets about the human body. Exercises include drawing and doing crosswords.
Pupils can connect the words surrounding the diagramme of a boy to his body. Afterwards they can translate the body parts into German.
Pupils can unscramble the letters of mixed up body parts and write down the correct word.
The letters of these objects are all mixed up. Pupils can unscramble the letters and write down the correct word.
This crossword full of body parts should not be too difficult for pupils to complete.
A strong young boy is depicted on this work sheet. Pupils can fill in the correct body parts from the box below.
Pupils can follow a simple seet of instructions in order to draw a woman.
This diagramme of a boy can be coloured in by pupils in the colours in which the body parts surrounding him are coloured.
Several body parts spelled out in different shapes and sizes are scattered across the face of this work sheet. Pupils can count the number of body parts they see and write them down.
Children have the chance to learn about various parts of the body and clothing. Pupils can write down the number of the picture and the German translation. Afterwards they should try to make a sentence using each word.
Children have the chance to learn about various parts of the body and clothing. Pupils can write down the number of the picture and the German translation. Afterwards they should try to make a sentence using each word.
On this work sheet pupils can describe a girl in short sentences using the colours and body parts given. (E.g.: She has got short hair.)
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